Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician (WTMT) Apprenticeship
On successful completion of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician (WTMT) Apprenticeship the apprentice is awarded a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Industrial Wind Turbine Engineering.
WTMT WebsiteOverview
This Apprenticeship is for people who wish to pursue a career in the maintenance of large scale commercial wind turbines. It is designed to meet the needs of the growing Irish Renewable and Sustainable Energy sector. The WTMT Apprenticeship adopts an ‘Earn while you Learn’ model so Apprentices are paid for the duration of their Apprenticeship. The Apprenticeship is aimed at applicants who are at least 18 years of age. It will provide training in occupational areas associated with the role of Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician, including health and safety, and maintenance and fault finding of electrical, mechanical, control and hydraulic systems.What does a Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician do?
A wind turbine maintenance technician undertakes a range of tasks associated with the maintenance of large-scale commercial wind turbines such as;
- safely and effectively inspect, maintain, repair and replace systems and components.
- identify and resolve technical problems encountered.
- interpret and communicate complete technical information.
- understand the structure and ethos associated with the role and the wider industry within which technicians operate.
What are the entry requirements?
• At least 18 years of age
• QQI Level 4 Major Award (or equivalent), or at least 3 years trade-related experience.
• Pass Grade in Maths at Level 3 (or equivalent).
• B2 Level of English Language proficiency.
• Ability to work at heights of up to 100m is essential.
• Excellent colour vision is essential
• Pass a medical fitness to work assessment
How do I join the Apprenticeship?
In order to commence the Apprenticeship you will need to source a registered employer working within the sector. You can do this by contacting employers working in this sector, or by applying to Kerry ETB through the centralised application system for the WTMT Apprenticeship:
How does the training work?
The programme is delivered over three years across seven stages. There are 4 centre based stages and 3 work based stages as follows:
Year 1
• Stage 1: 5 months (centre based training)
• Stage 2: 7 months (work based training)
Year 2
• Stage 3: 4 months (centre based training)
• Stage 4: 8 months (work based training)
Year 3
• Stage 5: 4 months (centre based training)
• Stage 6: 7 months (work based training)
• Stage 7: 1 month (centre based training)
What is the certification?
Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Industrial Wind Turbine Engineering.
Still have questions?
Contact our Apprenticeships Services Team at Kerry College (Monavalley Campus) on 066 714 9600.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. An Apprenticeship is not a course. It is a contract of employment between SOLAS, the employer and the apprentice - with on-the-job and off-the-job training delivered in phases.
The first step is to secure a job with an approved apprentice employer.
Full details are available on:
Many people think this, but it actually isn't.
Taking on an apprenticeship can be challenging. Bear in mind that you are a paid employee,training to be a professional craftsperson and this requires maturity, dedication and commitment.
You'll be balancing work and study which is never easy. Examinations can be intense and you will be required to both study and learn key technical, operational and safety information.
Start by doing some research. Find out what's involved in an apprenticeship and then focus in on apprenticeship you're thinking about.
Speak to people. Ask employers, qualified tradespersons and apprentices to help you find out more.
Get the advice of your parents/guardians, career guidance or adult guidance counsellor.
Make an appointment to see one of the Apprenticeship services team at Kerry College's Monavalley Campus. While they won't find an employer for you, they will give you some advice and insights.
Absolutely. It's an imporant part of figuring out if this career or sector is right for you - but also it shows a potential employer that you are genuinely interested.
These are a great idea if you are just coming out of school or aren't sure if a particular career sector is for you. Kerry College run a number of Pre-Apprenticeship course. You'll find them in the Full-time Programmes section.
In order to secure an apprenticeship, you must first secure a contract with an employer. You must apply directly to an employer rather than Kerry College.
Once you have found an employer to take you on as an apprentice, your employer must then register you as an apprentice with SOLAS.
The employer must be approved to train apprentices.
The employer must register you as an apprentice within two weeks of recruitment.
All Apprenticeships are Earn & Learn. This means you get paid while you are in training.
For traditional, Craft Apprenticeships, the employer pays the apprentice while s/he is being trained on-the-job. This is known as the Apprentice Rate or Salary.
The Apprentice rates of pay are based on a percentage of the fully qualified rate for the occupation:
1st Year – 33.3%
2nd Year – 50%
3rd Year – 75%
4th Year – 90%
A training allowance is paid by Kerry College while the apprentice is attending the off-the-job training at our Monavalley Campus.
For all New Apprenticeships, which have been developed since 2016, the employer pays an agreed Apprentice Rate or Salary for both on-the-job and off-the-job phases of the apprenticeship.
Further details are available on:
The Annual Student Contribution is charged to students attending Higher Education Institutions including Institutes of Technology (IoT).
Apprentices now pay the same contribution as full time students, but their contribution is based on the time they spend in the Institute or College.
The Student Contribution is payable to the IoT /College on the date of registration for the training phase. You should consult the relevant IoT/College for details of payment options.
We always post APPRENTICE WANTED notices on our Kerry College (Monavalley Campus) Facebook page. Like and Follow the page. Under the 'Following' button select 'See First' and switch Notifications on.
SOLAS have a new Apprenticeship Finder which is here:
IRISH JOBS have a good section on their site too:
We have no control over this as recruitment for all Apprenticeship phases is decided centrally by SOLAS.
Apprentices are assessed on an ongoing basis throughout their apprenticeship.
Modular assessments take place during the off-the-job training phases. These assessments incorporate course work, standardised practical assessments and theoretical assessments.
During the on-the-job training phases, the apprentice’s competence is assessed by the employer.
An apprenticeship automatically ends if the apprentice fails, after three attempts, to reach the required specified standard, in any of the off-the-job modular assessments.
However, SOLAS provides a way for both the apprentices and employers to appeal this.
In cases where appeals are successful the apprentice is afforded the opportunity of a fourth and final attempt.